About Me.

Greetings Reader! My name is Lucas and thank you for stumbling across my blog. In my time as a writer, blogger, and secretly-dying-inside AP student, I have learned to appreciate the use of symbolic means to convey a message or story. So here I give you, a run down of what, or who, I am.
wood-ashI am ash; the great grey heap that lasts after the flames burn out, hoping for the return of warmth. Each flake of soot, a story I have from the past, burned into my very being. Forgive me, for I may lose my volume, becoming less and less, but such is life. I travel with the wind as it takes me to places on impulse. It takes me to lands I’d never think of seeing, and rests me in the space where no one’s eyes can see me. Light as air, I always anticipate the next voyage, perhaps finally catching sight of another ember such as I. However, fear not, for in the midst of the passing flame and the abduction by the vagabond breeze, some of me may end up on you. Perhaps my presence will help you reminisce in times you’ve forgotten, but be careful, as I may be the product of something fierce, it doesn’t mean I’m not fragile. But my home, the sight of ignition, where my grey life began, will always hold a part of me. I only await the next day, where you shall return and kindle my flame once more.


Allow me to reintroduce myself: I am Lucas, for now, a 16 year old punk who has a bad case of sarcasm and who thinks himself to be a great author. The reality of that last statement was writing a terrible short story some odd years ago and getting published for it. The way I think of it, that writing piece was basically like handing in crap, just slightly polished crap that somehow beat other people’s crap. Really puts the ass in Luc-as. To be honest, I don’t want to give another crappy story ever again, because:

  1. Nobody wants to deal with your crap.
  2. It’s not fulfilling.

What I want to do is actually write pieces that have meaning, can inspire and be reflective, and isn’t a steaming pile of gross on paper. Being a writer is a tough job, as you’ll never please everyone, and decent writing capabilities can be difficult to obtain without exposure and putting oneself out there. But I still have a few years yet before I can successfully label myself as a “Starving Artist,” and live off a third rate job, eating KD every day for dinner. For now, I can only practice, but you know what they say: practice makes you suffer…..I mean perfect.

Unknown. “Wood Ashes.” Photo. Survivalworld Unknown. Sept. 18, 2016. <http://www.survivalworld.com/every-day-items/wood-ashes.html#.V98ddpgrLIU>

One thought on “About Me.”

  1. Dear Lucas,
    I really loved your metaphor, and the way you set it all up. I could really tell your voice from what you were saying, and it was all extremely descriptive. Lastly, I thought you were extremely honest to yourself in your metaphor, and you weren’t afraid of facing who you are.

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